Posted on 12/25/2023
We've all been there—cruising along the highway, only to be interrupted by a perplexing sound when pressing the brakes. It's as if your vehicle is trying to communicate, leaving you puzzled. Fear not, because today, we embark on a journey to uncover the reasons behind those mysterious braking sounds and how to restore good feel to your drive. Squeaking Sound A high-pitched squeak when braking can be disconcerting, but fear not, it's often a sign of a mild issue. Typically, it indicates that the brake pads might be due for replacement. The small metal indicator embedded in the pads creates this sound, acting as a gentle reminder that it's time for a brake pad refresh. Grinding Sound If your vehicle sounds like it's grinding its teeth when braking, it's not a sound to be ignored. This could be a signal that the brake pads have worn ... read more