Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

San Luis Obispo Auto Repair


We truly appreciate the personal customer service! We feel valued and very welcomed every time we come in. Our car is always serviced in a timely manner and if there is a concern you always let us know...thank you!


Fast, friendly, and fair.


Went in for oil change and they let me know I needed new front brakes, they fit me in and let me use the loaner car while they did the brakes Great service thanks


You can usually judge a business by the owner and your experience of the competition: there is no competition for Morin Brothers in SLO COUNTY!


All staff members at Morin Brothers Automotive have moral integrity!! Fantastic service every time. Thank You


I've been taking my cars to Morin Bros. for over 10 years. I feel safe with them, knowing they will take care of me and my car. Always kind and honest service.


Thirty years of bringing my vehicle in for great service. Jesse should grow a beard so he would look like a Morin Brother.


Great service as always.


We truly appreciate both the customer service and quality of work! We are loyal Morin Brother customers. Thank you!


When we first moved to San Luis Obispo in 2004, I needed to find a new garage for my car repairs. I looked on Car Talk's web site and found Morin Brothers there. Now some 200,000 miles later on my 2000 Altima, 38,000 miles later on my 1973 240Z and 35,000 miles later on my 2009 Jetta, I can say that I have always been pleased with the service done on our vehicles.