Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

San Luis Obispo Auto Repair


Good service as always.


Came in for a routine oil change and the mechanic found a serious problem with the front strut. He was able to fix the problem and keep my car running smoothly.


Always friendly with quality service


Morin Brothers always makes automotive maintenance and repair easy and pleasant.


In on time - out on time - work done to my full satisfaction, in fact above and beyond expectations! Talk about a nice friendly environment! Thanks and I'm actually looking forward to my next scheduled maintenance.


Morin Brothers are quick, accurate, and always honest in what needs to be fixed. I have them service all of my vehicles and have the upmost trust in their work. Excellent people to work with, and always a pleasure. They are the gold standard in repairs, and that is why I always return.


Trust Morin Brothers for fist class service at a fair price!


These guys are so nice, and have extremely fair prices. To top it off they know what their doing, only people in town I trust my car with!


I cannot say thank you enough to the friendly staff at Morin Brothers. Jessie was extremely helpful in letting me know what needed to be done in a timely manner. Thanks for pointing me in Tony's direction at DG Tires!


We always appreciate the personal service, honesty and quality of your work.